Who We Are

The Syrian Charities and Associations Network in the United Kingdom, SCAN UK, is an independent network of Syrian NGOs, charities, CSOs, associations and organised regional groups, established to help meet the needs of the Syrian community in the UK.

SCAN UK was founded in October 2015 by a group of Syrian organisations. Today, the network includes ten Syrian organisation members based in different parts of the UK. These organisations work in diverse sectors, including humanitarian, medical, and social sectors. However, they all share the same interest of offering assistance to the Syrian community in the UK.

SCAN UK aspires to serve as an umbrella under which all Syrian registered charities and NGOs in the UK can work together towards ensuring that members of the Syrian community within the UK lead safe, productive, and well-integrated lives.

Our Objectives

  • To work as a mutual communication and collaboration link between SCAN UK members, stakeholders and the wider community.
  • To establish collaborative relationships with the UK government departments and local authorities to support SCAN UK members in conducting projects on regional, national levels and international levels.
  • To provide a platform for SCAN UK members
  • To share relevant information to help the integration of the Syrian community within British society by connecting parties and supporting coordination.
  • To share the recommendations of members and connect stakeholders to advocacy groups involved in UK policies towards Syria with the relevant governmental decision makers.
  • To serve as a base by which to connect and encourage the coordination of activities of members and encourage that the Syrian voice is heard at regional, national and international levels.
  • To coordinate efforts to build sustainable projects in the UK to help the Syrians to resettle and engage with each other and the wider British and international communities.
  • To connect, coordinate, and inspire collaboration for mutual societal progress among aligned groups.

  • To promote professional interaction, support and networking amongst the Syrian British community and beyond.
  • To offer cultural help, guidance and consultation to stakeholders via our members and other organisations working towards the benefit of society.
  • To support Syrian professionals in obtaining recognition for their qualifications as a first step before resuming their career and profession in the UK by signposting towards relevant organisations within the network.


UK Bank Transfer

Sort code: 23-69-72
Account number: 12584250

    Cash deposit

    You can make cash deposits up to £500 at any Post Office, find your local Post Office branch here.

    Account name: SCAN UK NETWORK LTD
    Sort code: 23-69-72
    Account number: 12584250


      Direct Debit or Standing Orders

      Account name: SCAN UK NETWORK LTD
      Sort code: 23-69-72
      Account number: 12584250
      Bank Name and Address: Prepay Technologies LTD, Station Square, 1 Gloucester Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 1GW


      Mosaic Initiative

      Syria Solidarity


      Syrian Welsh Society

      Syria Peace & Justice

      Souriyat Across border

      Oxford Syria Society

      Syrian British Medical Society

      Syrian Association of


      Human Care Syria- Watan

      Action for Sama


      SOAS Syria Society


      Hand in Hand

      Helping Others to Progress

      & Evolve (HOPE)

      Syrian Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

      Syria Public Health Network

      Civil Activists for Syria UK & Ireland

      SBMS Foundation

      Syrian Legal Development Programme

      Wipe the Tears

      Palmyra Relief

      Syrian British Society of the Built Environment

      David Nott Foundation